
…wonderful thoughts on this! Kudos Charlotte

The Fireplace Talk

With deep respect I acknowledge the producers of the bitter liquid of our times. They are responsible for many good things and bad things, depending on which side of the glass you are looking at.  Those in the business of gathering and trading information I am certain sing their praises from sunrise to sunset. Those that are victims of the former rue them to their deathbeds but as the African Proverb goes, One man’s meat is another’s poison.

Growing up in a typical African setting one is prepared for most of the challenges that one encounters in their life journey. It was with utmost pleasure that I met with one of our most treasured village personalities who took it upon himself to share with me some of his highlight moments in life while participating in one of the cultural norms – “Kurira Ente”

In the Kikiga culture, this is but…

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